Drop-Off/Pick-Up Directions
Hello Cougar Parents and Guardians,
We are asking that if your student is being picked up in a car for you to please follow the car pick up protocol by entering the parking lot, driving around the back loop located near the E building, and picking up your student. If you shared with your student's teacher that they were a walker and will need to be in the car rider area, please let us know by contacting the front office at 206-901-7700. If we are unable to have the safety measures in place we will need to dismiss walkers from another location.
If your student is a walker we need the students to cross at the crosswalk to be safe and not in the middle of the street. We recognize at the end of the school day students are excited to see you all, but we really want to emphasize the importance of safety while crossing at the crosswalk.
We want to be sure that we are providing a safe dismissal for all students and families at the end of the school day. We appreciate your partnership and understanding as we want our learning community to remain safe.
Student Dismissal: Walkers, Bus Riders, and Car Pick-Up
There will be two bells to stagger dismissal in support of physical distancing. The first bell will be at 3:05pm and it will be for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. The second bell will be at 3:10pm and it will be for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade. For dismissal students will exit from three different areas.
Students that are walkers will exit out of the gate to the left of the front doors of the building.
Car Riders:
Students that are car riders will exit out of the gate at the back loop located near the E building. We ask families/guardians to enter the parking lot, drive around the back loop located near the E building and pick up their student.
Bus Riders:
Students that are bus riders will walk through the front two doors of the school. The bus riders will proceed on the right side of the walkway to enter their bus.As a reminder the bus loop will need to be clear and used for the safe arrival and departure of the buses. Thank you for supporting the buses for our amazing drivers to stay on a timely schedule supporting safe travel of the students.
We thank you for all that you do to keep our learning community safe during arrival and dismissal. Please consider these safety requests to be sure the adequate amount of visibility is there to see our students and families especially in the fall weather. Below are areas that we believe will continue to support the safety of our students, families, and the community.
- Please slow down when arriving and departing the school.
- Please utilize the drop off and pick up zones.
- Please be sure to not park, pick-up, or drop off in the crosswalks.
- Please be sure to not drive or park against the flow of traffic.
- Please be sure to cross the street at the designated crosswalks.
- Please be sure to not park next to cones in the no parking areas.
- Please be sure to not drop students off at the cones.
- Please be sure to not enter the parking lot in the wrong direction.
- We can and will assist with crossing, but we are not able to direct traffic.
- If parking in the designated reserved ADA parking spaces, please remember the state reserved parking permit is required.
- If your student may need to change where they are dismissed for the school day, please let their teacher know so they can have them go to the correct dismissal area.
Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding as our goal is to keep our learning community safe for arrival and dismissal.